Raspberry Pi USB MIDI Host

This guide exists to help you create a USB MIDI router out of a Raspberry Pi so that you can connect USB MIDI devices together easily. If you add a battery to your Raspberry Pi, like in my Otto project, you can connect these devices anywhere! The information from this guide largely comes from Fabio Barbon’s guide at Neumatic Studio. I also relied on my previous guide on how to set up an Orange Pi USB MIDI router.…
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Orange Pi USB MIDI Host

I was looking for a way to get my Deluge to play nice with other USB MIDI devices while waiting for the 3.0 firmware to come out. I happened to have an Orange Pi +2E laying around, knew that this had been done with a Raspberry Pi, and thought “how hard could this be?” Turns out, not so hard. Side note: I found this guide by Neuma Studio very helpful and have adapted many parts of it for my own writeup.…
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