Multisample Repository
These are multisample packs I have sampled myself using samples recorded from VSTs or physical instruments. Samples are created with Extreme Sample Converter and occasionally edited in Audacity.
These are royalty free samples and you are free to use them as you wish. No credit is needed, all I ask is that you use these to make some music that you enjoy. Samples are in WAV format for easy loading into the Synthstrom Deluge, Dirtywave M8, Sonicware SmplTrek/Lofi-12 XT, etc.…
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Raspberry Pi USB MIDI Host
This guide exists to help you create a USB MIDI router out of a Raspberry Pi so that you can connect USB MIDI devices together easily. If you add a battery to your Raspberry Pi, like in my Otto project, you can connect these devices anywhere!
The information from this guide largely comes from Fabio Barbon’s guide at Neumatic Studio. I also relied on my previous guide on how to set up an Orange Pi USB MIDI router.…
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Orange Pi USB MIDI Host
I was looking for a way to get my Deluge to play nice with other USB MIDI devices while waiting for the 3.0 firmware to come out. I happened to have an Orange Pi +2E laying around, knew that this had been done with a Raspberry Pi, and thought “how hard could this be?”
Turns out, not so hard.
Side note: I found this guide by Neuma Studio very helpful and have adapted many parts of it for my own writeup.…
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